Our Story: Fueling Athlete’s Dreams

Discover the Heart and the Vision Behind Couro

The Dream Team:
Meet the Passionate Minds Behind Couro’s Success

Cam is a Bay Area native professional Track and Field athlete, lawyer, and Couro founder. He is driven by athlete empowerment, interconnection, and improvement.

Jacky is a multi-business owner and organic growth expert with a deep love for her Peloton, healthy cooking, and her marathon training schedule. Her mission is to help individuals create their own success by sharing their passion, drive, and determination with the world.

Scott is a long-distance runner and data scientist with expertise in applied artificial intelligence and machine learning. He’s passionate about empowering athletes and improving performance with data and technology.

Our Mission and Beliefs

Our Mission: Athletic Empowerment for All

At Couro, our mission is clear: to bring athletic empowerment to all. We believe in leveling the playing field, providing tools and insights that fuel growth, and fostering a community where every athlete’s potential is unleashed.

We Believe: Athletes Have Something to Give

There needs to be better opportunities for athletes to make a living doing what they love. Dedicated athletes should be rewarded for sharing their insights and helping others in the community.

Couro, In History

Couro is named in honor of Coroebus of Elis, the victor in the first recorded ancient Olympiad. The Ancient Greeks used the four-year Olympic cycle to keep time and the Olympic winner as the “namesake” for those four years. Coroebus, a humble baker-turned-champion, immortalized his name in history by participating in that first Olympiad. His transformative journey underscores the profound impact of athletics, the very impact Couro invites you to harness for your own life-changing potential.

How We Make it Happen:
Unveiling the Couro Approach

Empowering Athletes

Couro is a dynamic social platform dedicated to unlocking athletic potential. Athletes can seamlessly share and access exclusive training insights, fostering growth through subscription-based interactions.

Your Expertise,
Your Value

Couro Pros establish personal subscription rates, offering exclusive content that dives deeply into their athletic expertise. Here, anyone can transform into a Pro and contribute their insights.

Athletic Growth

Couro’s mission is to democratize the world of athletics by providing a space where athletes, coaches, and trainers can amplify their platforms and support their athletic aspirations. We strive to make growth and dreams accessible to all.